16 research outputs found

    English for Geodesy and Land Management Students: tutorial.

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    English for Geodesy and Land Management Students is the manual for the students majoring in this specialty «Geodesy and Land Management» at higher education institutions and aimed at mastering the English language for specific purposes in this domain. The manual consists of 2 parts comprising the key theoretical issues students study at their special classes. The 1st part consists of 11 units. The 2nd part consists of 14 units. Each unit is designed in the way to provide students with the possibility to practice all language skills giving them flexibility in the field of future professional sphere. In the last part of the tutorial students can find texts for supplementary reading useful for efficient independent work

    МЕТОДИЧНІ РЕКОМЕНДАЦІЇ до проведення практичних занять із навчальної дисципліни «ДІЛОВА ІНОЗЕМНА МОВА» (англійська мова) (для студентів 1 курсу денної форми навчання, освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «бакалавр» усіх спеціальностей)

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    Methodological guidelines for practical work on the subject “Foreign language for Business” (for all full-time students education level “bachelor” all specialties / О. M. Bекеtоv National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv; com. O. V. Havrylova, O. L. Ilienko., S.O. Zubenko – Kharkiv : O. M. Beketov NUUE, 2020. – 46 p